Friday, October 2, 2009


Today the HT had an article on its second page where Amanpreet Wahi under My view talked about Strict policing must to tame eve-teasing.(saw this article on HindustanTimes ePaper, and thought you would find it interesting. You can find it at: 'My view - Strict policing must to tame eve-teasers'HindustanTimes ePaper - Digital replica of Print Edition.)

She said that she studied in a Girl's college passing out in 2003, and that the princi was very strict. "She ensured lot of police personnel were posted in front of our college. Men always rode about the college on bikes. The police noted down the number of those who passed by thrice, and kept them under watch"

Mithya feels that the best would be not be to ask the police but to make a girls squad who could use the mobile that they carry and take pics of men who ride about the college on bikes and cars, and pass several times. With date and time clearly on the pics. These pics could be uploaded on a blog or networking community like face book or orkut, and soon when it is seen that some men are coming on a regular bases, they could approach the Law in-forcing authority and get the addresses of these people and and post these details of these men also on the community.

Now with evidence in hand and all the members knowing the person who is a regular, will expose them so heavily that they will be forced to stop this forever, and will also act as a deterrent too, and just think of all girls college putting their data the regulars of several colleges will be exposed.

This will eradicate this menace for ever, and our country will be free from such men.

So dear College Union Office Bearers lets do something for the country.

Lets snap this evil .............

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The News from Mithya

Reading the Newspaper is something recommended by all, but going thru it raises the mind to ponder in many directions.

The best is when you wished something else and the newspaper said something else, and also
when the newspaper said something and it seems to mean something else,
so lets make the newspaper mean not, what it should have meant, and have some fun with it too.

What we have interpreted is not to be taken seriously but for fun, on the lighter vein, we will deny everything we have said here (because it happened in the 'Mithya' world), as we have not said anything, or written anything, what you are reading is just a fake story, based on fake data, and nothing is reliable, some names may be sounding or seem to be of some person living or dead, but the name used by us is definitely not the person you are thinking or may think. all incidents and persons are of the virtual world, and sometimes they all sound and seem to be that of the real world, ours is 'Mithya'.